Platform Economics​
Regulating platform fees Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming (with Chengsi Wang)
Optimal discoverability on platforms Management Science, forthcoming (with Andrei Hagiu)
- Marketplace leakage Management Science, forthcoming (with Andrei Hagiu)
- Multihoming and oligopolistic platform competition American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2023, Vol. 15(4), 68-113 (with Tat-How Teh, Chuchun Liu and Junjie Zhou)
- Data-enabled learning, network effects and competitive advantage RAND Journal of Economics, 2023, Vol. 54(4), 638-667 (with Andrei Hagiu)
​Platform investment and price parity clauses Journal of Industrial Economics, 2023, Vol 71(2), 538-569 (with Chengsi Wang)
- Should platforms be allowed to sell on their own marketplaces? RAND Journal of Economics, 2022, Vol. 53(2), 297-327 (with Andrei Hagiu and Tat-How Teh)
Intermediation and steering: Competition in prices and commissions American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2022, Vol. 14(2), 281-321 (with Tat-How Teh)
Pricing distortions in multi-sided platforms International Journal of Industrial Organization, December 2021 (with Hongru Tan)
Search platforms: Showrooming and price parity clauses RAND Journal of Economics, 2020, Vol. 51(1), 32–58 (with Chengsi Wang)
Creating platforms by hosting rivals Management Science, 2020, Vol 66(7): 3234–3248 (with Andrei Hagiu and Bruno Jullien)
Platforms and the exploration of new products Management Science, 2020, Vol 66(4): 1527–1543 (with Andrei Hagiu)
Why (don’t) firms free ride on an intermediary’s advice? International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2019, Vol 64: 27-54 (with Bo Shen)
Controlling versus enabling Management Science, 2019, Vol. 65(2): 577-595 (with Andrei Hagiu)
The status of workers and platforms in the sharing economy Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2019, Vol. 28(1): 97-108 (with Andrei Hagiu)
A price theory of multi-sided platforms: Comment American Economic Review, 2018, Vol. 108(9): 2761-2762 (with Hongru Tan)
Should platforms be allowed to charge ad valorem fees? Journal of Industrial Economics, 2018, Vol 66(3): 739-760 (with Zhu Wang)
Ad-valorem platform fees and efficient price discrimination RAND Journal of Economics, 2017, Vol. 48: 467–484 (with Zhu Wang)
Payment card interchange fees and price discrimination Journal of Industrial Economics, 2017, Vol. 65: 39-72 (with Rong Ding)
Price coherence and excessive intermediation Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2015, 130, 1283-1328 (with Benjamin Edelman)
Multi-sided platforms International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2015, 43, 162-174 (with Andrei Hagiu)
Marketplace or reseller? Management Science, 2015, 61, 184–203 (with Andrei Hagiu)
Price Restrictions in Multi-sided Platforms: Practices and Responses Competition Policy International 10, No. 2 (Autumn 2014). (with Benjamin Edelman)
The Economics of Payment Cards Review of Network Economics, 2014, 13, 303-353 (with Marc Rysman)
Do you really want to be an eBay? Harvard Business Review, March 2013 (with Andrei Hagiu)
Why payment card fees are biased against retailers RAND Journal of Economics, 2012, 43, 761-780
Credit card interchange fees Journal of Banking and Finance, 2010, 34, 1788-1797 (with Jean-Charles Rochet)
Two-sided markets, competitive bottlenecks and exclusive contracts Economic Theory, 2007, 32, 353-380 (with Mark Armstrong)
Competing payment schemes Journal of Industrial Economics, 2007, 55, 37-67 (with Graeme Guthrie)
Price structure in two-sided markets: Evidence from the magazine industry International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2006, 24, 1-28 (with Ulrich Kaiser)
Multihoming and compatibility International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2006, 24, 45-67 (with Toker Doganoglu)
Interchange fees in various countries: Developments and determinants Review of Network Economics, 2005, 4, 290 - 323 (with Stuart Weiner)
The determinants of optimal interchange fees in payment systems Journal of Industrial Economics, 2004, 52, 1-26
One-sided logic in two-sided markets Review of Network Economics, 2004, 3, 42-63
Pricing in debit and credit card schemes Economics Letters, 2003, 80, 305-309
Optimal card payment systems European Economic Review, 2003, 47, 587-612